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In the black

First district manager obtains LSS black belt certification

Greensboro, NC, District Manager Russell Gardner

Greensboro, NC, District Manager Russell Gardner has become the first district manager to obtain black belt certification through the Postal Service’s Lean Six Sigma (LSS), a business improvement process that emphasizes innovation and efficiency.

“Russ serves as an example and inspiration to other district managers to pursue their LSS black belt certification,” said Continuous Improvement Executive Manager Sal Santangelo.

To receive the certification, Gardner used LSS principals to better manage overtime costs in Capital District. His project reduced operating expenses by $19 million annually.

Gardner is one of 119 employees with black belt certification in the Postal Service.

“His success was due to his immersion into the process and being personally responsible for the results,” said Capital Metro Area VP Kristin Seaver.

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