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Simply irresistible

New site showcases sophisticated mailings

Irresistible Mail
An Irresistible Mail brochure accompanies the new site.

Businesses are learning to produce more effective mailings through Irresistible Mail, a new Postal Service site that showcases tech-driven design approaches.

The site highlights mailpieces with augmented reality features that consumers can scan with a smartphone to see videos and animation.

Irresistible Mail also shows how companies can personalize mass mailings by combining customer databases with high-volume printings.

Case studies are included too. One focuses on Chick-fil-A, which used personalized mailpieces to dramatically boost its online traffic.

In addition to the Irresistible Mail site, the Postal Service has published a companion brochure.

“We’re always looking to better serve our business customers, and this site helps us achieve that,” said New Products and Innovation VP Gary Reblin. “We see this as a tool to show businesses how they can use the mail to interact with their customers on a whole new level.”

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