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Employees urged to watch out for schoolchildren

Back to school
Drivers should be extra careful when driving near schools or playgrounds.

It’s back-to-school time — and that means more kids will be on roads and sidewalks, raising the risk of accidents.

To help keep children safe, the Postal Service encourages everyone to stay alert. Drivers should be extra careful when driving near schools or playgrounds and through residential areas.

Here are some additional precautions from USPS:

  • Slow down and obey speed limits.
  • Adjust your mirrors so that you can see around your vehicle.
  • Avoid backing up your vehicle.
  • Never pass a school bus that is stopped. Follow your state’s laws regarding stopping distance to allow enough space for children to enter and exit a bus safely.
  • Stay alert. Children are unpredictable. They take risks, ignore hazards and fail to look both ways when crossing the street, while walking and riding their bikes.
  • Avoid distracted driving.

Whether you’re on the clock or off, be alert and aware of your surroundings to help keep children safe.

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