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Can we talk?

Link seeks reader feedback

Employees displaying Link mobile homepage on their smartphones
Link mobile readers include Honolulu District Address Management System Technician Jill Asato, Operations Program Specialist John Simbahon Jr. and Budget and Financial Acting Analyst Kiana Vincent.

What do you think of Link?

If you have feedback about our publications and platforms — including Link, Link mobile, Link Recap and Link Extra — we want to hear it.

Email your compliments, complaints and other comments to

You can also mail your feedback to: USPS, Corporate Communications, Speechwriting and Publications, PO Box 23294, Washington, DC 20026-3294.

We use your feedback to strengthen our coverage of the Postal Service. Your messages could also be published in our Mailbag column.

Our goal is to make Link a useful resource for all USPS employees, so tell us what’s on your mind. We look forward to hearing from you.

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