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News quiz

Test your recall of this week’s stories

National Guardsmen put dog on rescue boat in floodwater
Texas National Guardsmen from the 386th Engineer Battalion work with local emergency responders to rescue residents and animals from this week’s severe flooding in Cypress Creek, TX. Image: Army National Guard

Here’s Link’s latest “News quiz,” a weekly feature that invites readers to test their knowledge of recent stories. The correct answers appear at the end.

1. True or false: The Employee Assistance Program and Postal Employees’ Relief Fund are available to help USPS employees affected by Hurricane Harvey.

a) True
b) False
2. About how much revenue from shipping and packages is USPS on track to record this year?

a) $13 billion
b) $17 billion
c) $19 billion
d) $20 billion

3. Who said this during a recent meeting with rural carriers: “The future is all about the customer. We have to listen and quickly adapt to their needs.”

a) PMG Megan J. Brennan
b) Chief Financial Officer Joseph Corbett
c) Southern Area VP Shaun Mossman
d) Judicial Officer Gary Shapiro

4. Which labor leader was featured on a USPS stamp twice?

a) Jane Addams
b) Susan B. Anthony
c) Dr. Alice Hamilton
d) Frances Perkins

5. When was Labor Day first celebrated?

a) 1842
b) 1882
c) 1888
d) 1894

Answers: 1) a. 2) c. 3) a. 4) b. 5) b.

Look for a new quiz next week and share your feedback with Link at

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