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Areas prepping for holiday shipping season

Gearing up for the holidays
USPS areas are gearing up for the holiday season, including making plans to strengthen scanning and delivery.

It’s still summer for a few more days, but the Postal Service is already making plans for this year’s holiday shipping season.

For example, Pacific Area recently brought managers and employees together for a conference to map out strategies for the expected surge in packages.

Plans include a sharper focus on training and safety procedures for seasonal employees, emphasizing the importance of scanning and improving communications with other areas.

Other leadership teams across the nation are conducting similar meetings, part of the organization’s broader effort to focus on its core business strategies like delivering world-class customer experiences and engaging and equipping employees.

A recent gathering in Western Area, for example, brought together local managers and executives from USPS headquarters in Washington, DC.

The Pacific Area meeting also featured a range of employees, including district managers, senior plant managers and even summer interns, who presented several cost-effective methods for improving service.

Other participants included employees who hold black belts, a designation given to experts in the Lean Six Sigma business improvement process.

“With the strategies developed here, we are ready to take on fiscal year 2018,” said Pacific Area Acting VP Larry Munoz.

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