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Best practices: Empowering employees

Washington, PA, Postmaster Jim Goodwill says it’s important to give all employees opportunities to do their best.

Jim Goodwill believes in empowering employees.

The Washington, PA, Postmaster strives to give each of his employees the opportunity to do what he or she does best.

“I communicate with all employees daily. I keep them apprised of any developments in USPS and how they directly affect them,” he says.

Managers like Goodwill help the Postal Service inspire enthusiasm, commitment and involvement among its workforce, according to Employee Engagement Director Kelvin Williams.

“When employees are given an opportunity to use their best talents, it makes them feel appreciated and eager to contribute,” Williams said.

Goodwill has three tips for his fellow managers: 

Talk. Get out from behind your desk, go to where employees work and talk to them about their jobs.

Ask. Seek employee input so you can help them better serve USPS customers — and then follow through and give the employees what they need.

Recognize. The Washington Post Office regularly recognizes employees for safe driving, longevity in their jobs and other milestones.

“People like to be told, ‘Thank you. You did a great job.’ It really just comes down to a simple thank you,” Goodwill says.

“Best practices,” a new series on employees who demonstrate on-the-job excellence, appears regularly in Link.

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