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Take the lead

Campaign to raise awareness of programs

Man, woman smile while holding Priority Mail envelope
Participants at a recent Lakeland District lunch and learn event on sales leads programs included Phyllis Carter, a mail handler at the Palatine, IL, Processing and Distribution Center, and Jim Donahue, a district business development specialist.

Mail handlers don’t work directly with customers, but that doesn’t mean they can’t help the Postal Service grow.

Through the Mail Handlers Lead Program, USPS encourages mail handlers to submit leads for businesses where there is a potential opportunity to gain new revenue.

The Postal Service wants districts to hold lunch and learn events in plants to build awareness of this program and other lead generation initiatives.

More than 170 mail handlers attended one such event in Great Lakes Area’s Lakeland District, where they received instructions on how to submit lead cards, as well as tips on what to look for in potential customers.

The lunch and learn events will be part of #LEADtheWay, a promotional campaign to raise awareness of lead generation programs and show employees how they can help USPS generate new revenue.

The Sales Blue page has more information about the Mail Handlers Lead Program and the other leads programs.

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