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No politicking

Employees reminded of Hatch Act rules

Political button on shirt
Under the Hatch Act, a USPS employee cannot wear a shirt or campaign button that promotes any candidate seeking re-election while the employee is on postal property or on the clock.

USPS wants employees to follow the Hatch Act’s rules on politicking in the workplace.

The Hatch Act is a law that prohibits Postal Service and other federal employees from engaging in political activity while on duty, while wearing a uniform, while on federal property or while inside a federal vehicle.

These rules apply to activities on behalf of all political candidates, including sitting U.S. presidents and other incumbents who have officially declared their intent to seek re-election.

For example, under the Hatch Act, a postal employee cannot wear a shirt or campaign button that promotes any candidate seeking re-election while the employee is on USPS property or on the clock.

Similarly, postal employees cannot place a bumper sticker or sign promoting a political candidate on a USPS vehicle.

Employees who misuse government property or don’t uphold safety regulations could be disciplined. Additionally, the Postal Service could refer potential Hatch Act violations to the U.S. Office of Special Counsel for investigation.

USPS is conducting a campaign to educate employees on the Hatch Act and provide examples of colleagues who have run afoul of the law.

These examples include employees who placed political signs in a delivery vehicle, wrote “corrections” on political mailpieces, made political posts to social media while on the clock, and broadcast political endorsements while sitting in a postal vehicle.

The Ethics Blue page has more Hatch Act resources, including a Let’s Talk Politics!fact sheet. Employees who have questions can contact their local field law office or send an email to

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