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Need to know

Open season, SmartPay reminders

A woman gets an eye examination
Checkbook’s Guide to Health Plans includes information on a variety of topics, including vision benefits.

Grab your Checkbook. USPS is reminding employees that they can use Checkbook’s Guide to Health Plans to compare their options during this year’s open season.

Checkbook has information about all plans available through the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program (FEHB).

The comparison tool includes information on copays, deductibles, prescription drug costs and whether dental and vision benefits are included in specific health plans.

Checkbook’s Guide to Health Plans is offered by the Center for the Study of Services, a Washington, DC-based independent nonprofit organization that also publishes Consumers’ Checkbook.

Employees can access the guide through the Open Season LiteBlue page.

Open season, the annual period when employees can change their health coverage or enroll in a new plan, will conclude Monday, Dec. 10.

New travel cards. Reminder: The SmartPay 3 Citibank travel cards become effective Nov. 30.

If you received one of these cards, you should activate it by Nov. 30 and update your GetThere profile with the new card information. You should then destroy your SmartPay 2 card.

If you haven’t received your new card, contact your agency/organization program coordinator. The travelhelp Blue page has a list of contacts.

You can also email questions to Travel Card Help in Outlook.

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