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Post Offices get kit for Business Connect Month

The Business Connect Month kit features information on participating in the program, as well as an order form for materials.

Postmasters and other managers and supervisors have been sent kits for Business Connect Month.

The campaign is being held in August to celebrate the program and its participants.

“We really appreciate our Post Office leadership,” said Mary Anderson, director of small-business sales at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. “When the Post Office leadership is engaged and motivated to help their local small businesses, their employees are also more likely to participate in their employee lead programs. It’s a win-win.”

The kit contains an overview of Business Connect and how to participate, a reference guide and instructions on ordering materials that Postmasters and other program participants can offer business prospects.

Business Connect began in 2005 as a way for Postmasters, managers and supervisors to have discussions with customers about USPS products and services.

Since its inception, the program has brought in more than 7.4 million leads and generated more than $3.5 billion in new estimated annualized revenue, including more than $258 million for the current fiscal year.

To learn more about Business Connect and other leads programs, email the small-business team at or go to the Small Business and Lead Generation Programs Blue page.

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