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What’s Father’s Day without dad jokes?

Did you hear the one about the unstamped envelope? You wouldn’t get it.

Father’s Day is this weekend, and what better way for Postal Service employees to mark the occasion than with some mail-themed dad jokes?

Here are a few of our favorites:

• What travels around the world but stays in one corner? A stamp.

• What has more letters than the alphabet? A Post Office.

• What starts with “e,” ends with “e” and only contains one letter? An envelope.

• Why are Postal Service employees innovative? Because they know how to push the envelope.

• What’s a letter carrier’s favorite herb? Parcel-y.

• Why would trees be excellent mail carriers? Because they’re always on root.

• Why did the doctor call the Post Office? He needed help delivering a baby.

Hey, we told you these were dad jokes.

If you’re a dad, try these out on your family — or share them with a dad in your life. Just remember: Mail jokes don’t need much setup … it’s all in the delivery.