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Zoom reset

Schedulers must sign back in

The Postal Service’s Zoom reset will occur in stages from July 6-12.

The Postal Service is alerting Zoom users that their accounts will soon be deleted and they will be required to sign back into the application to continue to schedule meetings.

The reset will occur in stages from July 6-12. Meeting schedulers will be alerted by email when their account is being reset so they can sign back in and avoid interruptions to Zoom access.

“The Zoom reset is necessary because of a configuration change,” says Micheal Carrothers, the USPS Zoom project manager. “Overall, users are reporting that they are pleased with Zoom. We look forward to continuing to offer this important collaboration tool.”

Before July 6, all Zoom schedulers should download any previously recorded Zoom meetings to a USPS workstation.

During the reset, all stored Zoom recordings will be deleted. The ServiceNow website has instructions for downloading recordings.

Schedulers should also document any customized Zoom settings because they will be lost during the reset. Additionally, users should avoid scheduling any Zoom meetings beyond July 13 so the meetings won’t have to be updated.

After the account reset, Zoom schedulers must recreate their account by taking these steps:

• Sign into Zoom and select “Start,” followed by the Zoom folder icon and the Zoom camera icon below it. Schedulers can also select “Schedule Meeting” in Outlook.

• Read and accept the privacy policy during sign in to create an account.

• Reconfigure any previous changes to the default user settings, including uploading a profile picture.

• Update previously scheduled meetings in Outlook because they will no longer exist in the system.

During the July 18 weekend, the VCS (Telepresence) systems will be integrated with Zoom.

On July 31, the Postal Service will completely transition from WebEx, the organization’s current primary meeting provider, to Zoom. Once the Zoom transition is completed, WebEx users will lose access to WebEx meetings and stored recordings.

To learn more, meeting schedulers and general users can attend online Zoom help sessions every Friday from 3-4 p.m. EDT.

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