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Down to business

System owners must complete course

The System Owner Essentials course will show employees how to detect security problems early and how to prevent most cyberattacks from happening.

The Postal Service has introduced an updated training course required for all business system owners.

The course is intended for employees who are functional coordinators for various USPS systems, such as the Time and Attendance Collection System and VPN Access, and will show participants how to protect these resources from cyberthreats.

The System Owner Essentials course will also provide an overview of the technology solution life cycle process, including how to detect security problems early and how to prevent most cyberattacks from happening.

System owners can access the course through HERO. The deadline for completion is Sept. 30.

System owners who don’t meet the deadline are subject to limited ACE system access until all the courses are completed.

Refer to the CyberSafe at USPS Blue training page or send an email to for more information.