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Service update

Package Pickup expands to more areas

Package Pickup allows customers to schedule a parcel collection at no additional cost.

USPS has made Package Pickup available in more areas across the nation, adding 15 ZIP Codes where customers and businesses can use the service.

Here are the 15 ZIP Codes, along with the districts and areas where they’re located:

• 01083 (Connecticut Valley District, Atlantic Area);

• 22106 (Northern Virginia District, Atlantic Area);

• 48333 (Detroit District, Central Area);

• 56679 (Northland District, Central Area);

• 65205 (Gateway District, Central Area);

• 00613 (Caribbean District, Southern Area);

• 38054 (Tennessee District, Southern Area);

• 88355 (Arizona District, Western Pacific Area);

• 59103 (Dakotas District, Western Pacific Area);

• 89041 (Nevada Sierra District, Western Pacific Area);

• 91793 (Santa Ana District, Western Pacific Area);

• 92659 (Santa Ana District, Western Pacific Area);

• 92263 (San Diego District, Western Pacific Area);

• 94011 (San Francisco District, Western Pacific Area); and

• 82081 (Colorado/Wyoming District, Western Pacific Area).

ZIP Codes are periodically reviewed for inclusion with Package Pickup, which is currently available in more than 41,900 ZIP Codes nationwide.

The service allows customers to schedule a parcel collection at no additional charge when their mail is delivered or collected the next day as part of a USPS carrier’s regular delivery or on a designated day.

All packages must have prepaid postage in order to use the service.

There’s no limit to the number of packages that can be left for a pickup.

Eligible products available for Package Pickup are:

• Priority Mail;

• Priority Mail Express;

• First-Class Package Service;

• International; and

• Returns.

Package Pickup contributes to the organization’s overall shipping and packages revenue, which experienced record growth during fiscal year 2021’s first quarter (Oct. 1-Dec. 31, 2020).