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June leads

Annual employee drive begins

Karla Carter, a Rockville, MD, city carrier assistant, recently used Customer Connect to help generate more than $1 million in new revenue for USPS.

The USPS Small Business Solutions team is challenging employees to submit sales leads in June, which is #LEADtheWay Month.

Districts will hold competitions throughout the month to support the annual challenge, which has a goal of more than 20,000 quality leads.

Employees can submit leads through several programs: Business Connect (for postmasters and customer services manager and supervisors), Customer Connect (for letter carriers), Rural Reach (for rural carriers), Clerks Care (for retail associates and distribution clerks), Mail Handlers (for processing and distribution center employees) and Submit a Lead (for everyone else not covered under one of the other five programs, including Executive and Administrative Schedule employees).

“If you have yet to participate by submitting a sales lead yet this year, please consider it during the June #LEADtheWay Month challenge and encourage others to do the same,” said Lou DeRienzo, a small-business senior specialist at USPS headquarters in Washington, DC. “Growing new USPS revenue is every employee’s responsibility. Now is our chance to support small businesses and help them survive and thrive for years to come.”

Sales generated during #LEADtheWay Month are included in the USPS Every Lead Counts campaign to raise revenue through sales leads from employees.

The Postal Service is encouraging as many employees as possible to submit at least one lead through any of its lead programs by Sept. 30.

The Small Business and Lead Generation Programs Blue page has more information about the employee lead programs.