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Do unto others

Baltimore Mail Processing Clerk Beverly Graham

Beverly Graham doesn’t interact with the public in her job, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have customers.

“My customers are letter carriers and clerks,” says Graham, a mail processing clerk. “In order for them to provide great service to our customers, mail from my operation must get to them in a timely manner.”

The Postal Service wants all employees to be like Graham, who works at the Baltimore Processing and Distribution Center.

In other words: Whether your customers are consumers, businesses or your own co-workers, USPS wants you to treat them well.

To help employees, the organization provides the following guidance:

• Be efficient. If your customers can see that you’re attempting to work quickly and efficiently to assist them, it helps improve their overall perception of their experience with you.

• Choose positivity. It’s impossible to expect that every single interaction with customers will be seamless or without friction.

But the power is in your hands to choose positivity. When you choose to keep a positive attitude, it’s contagious and spreads to your customer.

• Do your best. No matter what job you may hold, strive to do it well. Your customers — no matter who they are — will appreciate the effort.

Or as Graham puts it: “I do my best to make sure the mail I process reaches [my co-workers] as soon as possible.”

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