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Eric Momsen, Berlin, WI

Berlin, WI, Letter Carrier Eric Momsen
Berlin, WI, Letter Carrier Eric Momsen

Letter Carrier Eric Momsen was delivering mail recently in Berlin, WI, when he heard screaming. He looked around and quickly identified the source: a frantic woman using a cellphone on her front porch.

Momsen rushed over and learned that her 6-month-old daughter was inside and had stopped breathing. He went in and found the baby with her grandmother, whom he instructed to turn the girl on her side.

At that point, normal color returned to the baby’s face and she started to breathe again. Emergency responders determined that she’d suffered a seizure.

Momsen was also recognized through the Postmaster General Heroes’ Program in 2015 for alerting a customer on his route that her house was on fire.

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