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Jennifer Olson, Rogers, AR

Woman with sunglasses on head and long brown hair
Rogers, AR, Letter Carrier Jennifer Olson

Letter Carrier Jennifer Olson was delivering mail recently in a Rogers, AR, neighborhood when she spotted a front door ajar and a customer in distress.

The woman was unconscious on her living room floor, and she started vomiting blood while Olson was on the phone with a 911 dispatcher.

The Postal Service employee followed the dispatcher’s instructions on positioning the woman so she wouldn’t choke.

Olson also secured the customer’s dogs in another room so they wouldn’t be in the way when paramedics arrived.

An emergency responder later contacted the local Post Office to thank Olson for the way she handled the situation.

“He told me she did a fantastic job that’s exactly what they hope and expect a citizen to do,” said Officer in Charge Shane Blackburn.

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