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What are the best movies about mail?

Mail movies
The “Appointment with Danger” movie poster.

The mail doesn’t play a big role in this year’s crop of Academy Award-nominated films, so why not spend the weekend of the Oscars catching up with older postal-themed flicks?

The National Postal Museum’s blog compiled a list of the 10 best mail movies a few years ago, including the 1963 rare-stamp caper “Charade” and “Appointment with Danger,” a 1951 potboiler that casts Alan Ladd as a Postal Inspector.

Topping the list: The 1947 version of “Miracle on 34th Street,” in which the Post Office Department validates Santa Claus’s existence.

The blog also offers its choice for the worst mail-themed movie: “The Postman,” Kevin Costner’s 1997 dud about a post-apocalyptic drifter who wears a postal uniform.

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