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Agency honors two USPS employees

Present at the recent awards ceremony were Julie Theroux; Curt Spalding, an EPA administrator; Hinsdale, NH, Postmaster Cindy Mason; and Anne Fenn, an EPA program manager.
Present at the recent awards ceremony were Julie Theroux; Curt Spalding, an EPA administrator; Hinsdale, NH, Postmaster Cindy Mason; and Anne Fenn, an EPA program manager.

Two Postal Service employees were recently honored for their efforts to help the organization become more sustainable.

Environmental Specialist Julie Theroux and Hinsdale, NH, Postmaster Cindy Mason received a Federal Green Challenge Sustainability Award from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Theroux’s accomplishments include developing a series of guidebooks for 3,200 Post Offices in New England and New York and distributing recycling kits to 32,000 Postmasters.

Mason collaborated with Theroux and others on a “rain garden” at the Hinsdale Post Office that has helped reduce stormwater pollution in the area. The garden is the first of its kind at a USPS facility.

Theroux and Mason received their award at a ceremony in Washington, DC.

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