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Need to know

Informed Delivery, recycling reminders

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USPS wants to have 10 million Informed Delivery users by May 6, when this year’s National Postal Forum begins.

Have you signed up? The Sprint to 10 Million Challenge, an initiative to sign up new users for Informed Delivery, is underway.

The goal is to have 10 million Informed Delivery users by Sunday, May 6, when this year’s National Postal Forum begins. Informed Delivery currently has about 9 million users.

Informed Delivery is a free feature that allows consumers to digitally preview their incoming mail and manage their packages from computers, tablets and mobile devices.

The Postal Service is encouraging employees to use Informed Delivery. You can sign up at Sign-up is voluntary.

Regarding recycling. The Postal Service is reminding employees of the proper recycling procedures for batteries, lamps and other equipment that contains mercury.

USPS works with Cleanlites Recycling Inc. to recycle these materials. Cleanlites provides direct waste pick-up services, which are available to Postal Service facilities through eBuy2.

The Batteries Blue page and Lamps Environmental Compliance Bulletin have more information.

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