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New look

Postal Bulletin cover redesigned

Postal Bulletin’s new header uses the signature blue and red of USPS and presents the title in italics.

Postal Bulletin — the biweekly publication that contains changes to official USPS policies, procedures and forms — is getting a change of its own.

The cover has been redesigned to be cleaner and easier to read and will focus more on photographs than graphics.

The new header uses the signature blue and red of the Postal Service and presents the title in italics, without the line between “Postal” and “Bulletin.”

A diagonal border in the header separates the title area from date and publication information, which is now in a larger font.

The cover photos will be based off the feature article, with semitransparent text boxes “teasing” the feature and page number.

The change will debut in the March 10 edition.

Postal Bulletin has been published since March 8, 1880. The current design debuted in December 2008.