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Rate change

Lower price for Every Door Direct Mail

Every Door Direct Mail allows small businesses to reach every address in a selected area.

The Postal Service has cut its rate for Every Door Direct Mail as part of its price and classification changes that went into effect July 10.

The new rate for the product, when dropped off at a retail location, is a 6.5 percent decrease and is a return to what it cost in 2019, before the pandemic.

Every Door Direct Mail is a cost-effective, user-friendly way for small businesses to reach every address in a selected area without having to know or print customer names or addresses.

Small businesses can use the Every Door Direct Mail online tool to target customers based on chosen demographics.

Most mailings can be in one of three sizes — 6.5-by-9-inch or 8.5-by-11-inch postcards, and 4.25-by-14-inch trifold menus.

The Postal Service is promoting Every Door Direct Mail during the national rollout of USPS Connect Local because both are designed for small-business customers.

“Every Door Direct Mail can be used to effectively promote products, and USPS Connect Local serves to fulfill resulting orders quickly and easily,” said Krista Becker, product management director for Mailing Services.

More information about Every Door Direct Mail is available on