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USPS Operation Santa accepting letters

USPS Operation Santa allows people and organizations to adopt letters to Santa Claus and anonymously fulfill holiday wish lists from children and others who are less fortunate.

The USPS Operation Santa program is accepting letters from people in need as the man up North gets a head start fulfilling wishes this holiday season.

The Postal Service made the announcement on Sept. 18.

The 111-year-old program provides an online way people can safely and securely help children and families have a magical holiday when they otherwise might not have the means.

Employees, customers and others can adopt letters to Santa Claus and send gifts anonymously.

The Postal Service is hoping the extra time to send letters will result in more letters available to adopt on Nov. 20 at the USPS Operation Santa website.

Letters are opened and reviewed, and personal information is redacted, before they are uploaded for adoption.

There is no age limit for letter writers. Letters are accepted from everywhere in the country and can be adopted by anyone who has successfully registered for the program. Parents can write letters for their young children.

Letter writers must include a first and last name and a complete return address (street address; apartment number, if applicable; city; state; and ZIP Code). Envelopes must be regular or business-size and have a First-Class Mail postage stamp to travel through the Postal Service network.

Multiple letters can be sent in the same envelope, but each letter must include a full name and address. The envelope might require additional postage.

Letters should be addressed to: Santa Claus, 123 Elf Road, North Pole 88888.

Letters received without last names and correct return addresses cannot be uploaded.

Letters should be legible and include specific gift details, including game and book titles, clothes and shoe sizes (infant, toddler or teen), colors and styles. This information makes it easier for the letter adopter to know what to purchase.

USPS Operation Santa is not a guaranteed gift-giving program and relies solely on the generosity of others.

Letters to Santa need to be postmarked by Dec. 11.